Inventory of Bonaire
According to the domains of UNESCO ICH-Convention
- Indian drawings
- Kuranderia/herbal medicine and healers
- Natural Disasters
- Topography of Bonaire
- Traditional cuisine
- Burning of Lime
- Burning of wood (Charcoal)
- Harvest of aloe
- Hòrnamentu di Kuku (baking of Kuku - small agave)
- Making of Barí (drum)
- Making of Kas di Bara (house of stones, mud, twigs and clay)
- Making of boats/ships
- Pal'í lele i funchi (special twig used in preparing funchi)
- Roofing with sorghum stalks
- Sambarku (sandal made of rubber car tires)
- Weaving of cacti fences and chi ku cha